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Information about tabs

Bloxo123 Home (visit)
A homepage is about what's new and videos and others just like other website's homepage.

News (visit)
It's about what's new and what's coming from any category (such as: game updates, layouts, etc.)

Games (visit)
Games were used to play them online, look up at game's trailers, informations and much more.

Videos (visit)
Videos were used to watch them in embedded videos, watch them at the website.

About (visit)
About Bloxo123 is about the creator's history, where it started and where it began, Is the story over? It all began.

Social Media (visit)
Social Media is used to follow, see embedded stuff, and subscribe/friend.

Changing your age (visit)
Changing ages will see how old you are, if you chose the wrong age, try changing it by clicking "age" among "Change your".

Changing your language (visit)
Changing languages will also change the country, depending how it matches the country as its language.

Songs/EP (visit)
Songs or EP is a song about EP Background for which album you'll choose, download songs and more. Animation EP is also available for animated EP songs.

Search (visit)
Searching is used to find stuff and more stuff just like other websites had a searching feature.

Gallery (visit)
Gallery is used to find our wallpapers, screensavers, etc.

Community (visit)
A community is used to vote, post, or do kinds of community.

Chat (visit)
Chatting will take you to Bloxo123's SpaceHey IM if you did friend us.

License Our Content (visit)
Licensing content will give you our project information and how we used to make our stuff.

Privacy Policy (visit)
Privacy Policy is used to read about things that you don't want to steal our stuff or violate our guidelines.

Safety Tips (visit)
Safety Tips is used to know things that got in risk or not to try them at home.

Press (visit)
Press releases is used to join beta or share creator updates to journalists and the public.

Jobs (visit)
Jobs was used for the following careers such as CEO, CMO, etc.

Copyright Information (visit)
Copyright Information is used for other companies copyright information that we used to make.

©2006 Copyright Bloxo123