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Last Updated July 14, 2006

Bloxo123 ("Bloxo123") is committed to ensuring our website ( and any published mobile apps (under the publisher name: Bloxo123 or Bloxo123 | The home of community) are fun and safe environments. Bloxo123 does not actively run a user registration system, forum, chat or instant messaging function and thereby does not directly collect any personally identifiable information about our users unless they directly contact us or respond to a feedback survey and provide such information. Some games featured or hosted on Bloxo123 that are managed by third-party publishers may contain features such as user registration systems, forums, chat rooms and so forth; which are not managed by Not Doppler and are dictated by the privacy policy of the game's publisher

Cookies and data collected:
Bloxo123 collects information about the way visitors and players are using our website through the use of Google Analytics and its related cookie(s). The goal of collecting this data is to make better informed decisions about what games our users are more likely to enjoy and to help improve the experience on Bloxo123. The type of information that Google Analytics collects includes browser and operating system type, country, pages visited, time spent on site, date/time stamp and broad demographic information. Google Analytics does not collect any personally identifiable information about you on Bloxo123.

Certain games on Bloxo123 will create "Local shared objects" which allow the game to save game progress so that when you return you can pick up from where you left off. Any game save data is stored only on your computer and not transferred to Bloxo123 or any other third party. Some games from third-party publishers that are included on Bloxo123 may offer the ability to save game-progress in the cloud via third-party servers, in which the storage and retrieval of such data is dictated by the privacy policy of such game publisher offering the service.

Please see Advertising section below for further details on cookies.

External Links:
Bloxo123 may link to other web sites and is not responsible for the content or privacy policies of these external sites. Some games on Bloxo123 also contain links to external sites or may contain requests for personal information for gameplay purposes (e.g. account registration or chatroom features) which are governed by their own individual privacy policies. All users should therefore also be aware of the individual privacy policies within any game that requests personal information such as name or email address.

Bloxo123 is a free to use website and generates revenue through third-party advertising on the website. Without the support of this advertising Bloxo123 would not be able to provide new games. These third-party advertising companies may collect and use information about your visits to this and other websites to help determine which advertisements are most suited to your interests and measure performance of any advertising campaigns. In order to collect this information, the third-party may use a cookie or other such as javascript codes. Bloxo123 has no influence over the policies of third-party advertising networks (except our ability to discontinue using their services).

If you would like more information about advertising practices and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, you can visit Google's Advertising and Privacy page:

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Targeted advertising using browser behaviour is designed to ensure users see more relevant advertising based on their interests. If you prefer not to see targeted advertising from our advertising partners you can opt out of these services by following the below links:

Exponential: Please click here
Google: Please click here for Google’s opt out process
CPMStar: Please click here

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